Experience E News
ANAC renews sponsorship of Experiencia E
Before the end of the year, we continue telling you good news. THE NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE ASSOCIATION OF CHILE, ANAC, 🚘, RENEWED THE [...]
Nearly 24 thousand visitors make Experiencia E close its first version successfully.
Santiago, October 2022 - The first version of Experiencia E culminated with a great balance. Nearly 24 thousand visits and [...]
Experiencia E sets the course for electromobility, renewable resources and sustainability in Chile
Experiencia E was consolidated as the most important electromobility exhibition in Chile, with more than 110 companies represented and 50 brands in the [...]
The first and largest exhibition of electromobility, renewable resources and sustainability is launched
From October 20 to 23 at Espacio Riesco Experiencia E: The first and largest electromobility exhibition, [...]
Enel X Way and Experiencia E give you a free NIU KQi2 Sport Electric Scooter
You are already part of the electric mobility and you can participate for this incredible NIU KQi2 Sport 300W Electric Scooter, which will [...]
For more information contact: jpmurillo@espacioriesco.com
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