The great cities of the planet are forced today to bear the risks produced by climatic impacts, in addition to protecting communities and strengthening the resilience of the economy in ingenious ways. That is why balancing immediate needs without compromising tomorrow's is the main objective of developing a sustainable city.
How is Santiago in this matter? It is ranked 80 out of the 100 cities evaluated in the 2022 Sustainable Cities Index prepared by the global consultancy Arcadis. It is the third best city in Latin America, behind Bogotá (78) and Mexico City (79).
The classification led worldwide by Oslo, Stockholm and Tokyo evaluated three pillars of sustainability:
- Planet: focused on environmental factors, such as green areas, air quality, energy consumption and waste management.
- People: oriented towards the social sphere and which includes aspects such as education, health and crime.
- Benefits: related to economic and employment issues.
Our capital was located in places 90, 78 and 76, respectively. According to experts, much work remains to be done in terms of sustainability. We must invest in services, social policies, and environmental actions that improve the quality of life of citizens, just as Stockholm, Tokyo and Amsterdam do. "In short, we could conclude that sustainability is synonymous with urban prosperity," the report explains.
The 20 Most Sustainable Cities 2022 of Arcadis
- Oslo
- Estocolmo
- Tokio
- Copenhague
- Berlín
- Londres
- Seattle
- París
- San Francisco
- Ámsterdam
- Zúrich
- Róterdam
- Glasgow
- Los Ángeles
- Nueva York
- Fráncfort
- Vancouver
- Edimburgo
- Münich
- Washington D.C.
Let's get together in Experiencia E to learn about the initiatives and commitments that companies are taking to move towards a sustainable Chile. We are waiting for you from October 20 to 23 at Espacio Riesco.
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